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LIBRO Geochemistry de William M. White PDF ePub, lee en linea Geochemistry gratis
Críticas The book would also serve well as a complete geochemistry reference book for an introductory class for those students wanting extensive equations and more detailed technical explanations. (The Reading Geologist, 1 January 2014) Reseña del editor This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of geochemistry. The book first lays out the geochemical toolbox : the basic principles and techniques of modern geochemistry, beginning with a review of thermodynamics and kinetics as they apply to the Earth and its environs. These basic concepts are then applied to understanding processes in aqueous systems and the behavior of trace elements in magmatic systems. Subsequent chapters introduce radiogenic and stable isotope geochemistry and illustrate their application to such diverse topics as determining geologic time, ancient climates, and the diets of prehistoric peoples. The focus then broadens to the formation of the solar system, the Earth, and the elements themselves. Then the composition of the Earth itself becomes the topic, examining the composition of the core, the mantle, and the crust and exploring how this structure originated. A final chapter covers organic chemistry, including the origin of fossil fuels and the carbon cycle s role in controlling Earth s climate, both in the geologic past and the rapidly changing present. Geochemistry is essential reading for all earth science students, as well as for researchers and applied scientists who require an introduction to the essential theory of geochemistry, and a survey of its applications in the earth and environmental sciences. Additional resources can be found at: www.wiley.com/go/white/geochemistry Contraportada This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field ofgeochemistry. The book first lays out the ‘geochemicaltoolbox’: the basic principles and techniques of moderngeochemistry, beginning with a review of thermodynamics andkinetics as they apply to the Earth and its environs. These basicconcepts are then applied to understanding processes in aqueoussystems and the behavior of trace elements in magmaticsystems. Subsequent chapters introduce radiogenic and stableisotope geochemistry and illustrate their application to suchdiverse topics as determining geologic time, ancient climates, andthe diets of prehistoric peoples. The focus then broadens to theformation of the solar system, the Earth, and the elementsthemselves. Then the composition of the Earth itself becomes thetopic, examining the composition of the core, the mantle, and thecrust and exploring how this structure originated. A final chaptercovers organic chemistry, including the origin of fossil fuels andthe carbon cycle’s role in controlling Earth’s climate,both in the geologic past and the rapidly changing present.Geochemistry is essential reading for all earth sciencestudents, as well as for researchers and appliedscientists who require an introduction to the essentialtheory of geochemistry, and a survey of its applications in theearth and environmental sciences. Biografía del autor William White teaches geochemistry as a Professor of earth and atmospheric sciences at Cornell University. He received a B.A. in geology from the University of California, Berkeley and a PhD in oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. He is a fellow of the Geochemical Society/European Association of Geochemistry and the AGU, and has been named a highly cited author by ISI.
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